October 6, 2024

The Football Banning Order (FBO) for a Burnley man who participated in tragic chanting before Burnley Football Club’s match against Manchester United is valid for five years.

Billy Rambadt was standing outside a pub in Yorkshire Street, Burnley, at 5-32pm on September 23rd when he commited the offence.

As a group of Manchester United fans walked past 27-year-old Rambadt, he shouted ‘Munich’ and raised his arms in an aeroplane gesture – a reference to the 1958 Munich Air Disaster.

The incident was captured on a police officer’s Body Worn Video and Rambadt was identified after the footage was reviewed back at the police station.

He was subsequently charged with using threatening or abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

Rambadt, of Athletic Street, Burnley, was convicted of the offence at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court on Friday (February 16th). As well as being given the football banning order, he was fined £500, and told to pay £85 costs and a victim surcharge of £200.

Supt Melita Worswick, from the police’s Special Operations Team, said after the sentencing: “Rambadt’s conduct on that day was absolutely appalling and something that I know many people will find abhorrent.

“Although Rambadt was not arrested at the scene, justice did catch up with him in the end. To be clear if you are not arrested at the time you commit an offence like this, be sure that we will be reviewing the evidence against you and you should expect a knock at the door.”

Read also; ‘I like that’: Jermain Defoe Admires 27-Year-Old Tottenham Player’s Ace Performance This Season

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